Monday, February 28, 2011

Are Burping And Farting A Sign Of Stomach Flu

30 Pola: 1

Today is the first day of 30/30.

From now on there every day, Polaroid, created in the absence of a Polaroid camera makes Poladroid , a software that really fun, because they are so nice to remember earlier, when the sun is still gleaming and the colors were yellowish. Who, what and where? It does not matter anyway without comment is the best. There

The other participants are here.

Vlad Models Is Legal?


... well, not the chicken, of course, pillows. The first, I just held Gärlade stuffed. Let's see what happens. Thank you anyway for your very creative support. Which are now to speak of leaven.
Did it continues with the first new nerve owl. So, the color is not the excessive consumption due to alcohol. Not that you think ...

And once again a Karabinertäschli. Does it still? The small practical Täschlis to hold bag hanging around wallet, cell phone, keys ... to store it or to 'belt for cigarettes or other treats.

Ohkee, that's really it for today. Machtet jut un've still nice n 'Ahmd, a'ight.

With sweetest greetings
your wife grandmother

Ctc Pasta Express Recipes

The flood is coming! The company pool

So yesterday Morumbifussballstadium of:
Fernando Pilatos / UOL shot the picture. These are my:

Last Thursday, 175 trees by a hail storm with winds of up to 100 km / h in São Paulo uprooted been - and I was away. On Friday I was back on the road, a total of 8 hours in the car, without leaving the city - at an average speed that a pedestrian easily exceed. And on Sunday I came back from the north of the city to bring in a German business associate's Hotel - and stood in front of the flooded tunnel Anhangabaú. What a joy and Noah swung the ax, to make the ark ready.

For an electric saw is not reliable, there were this year alone as of 02.22.2011 has 14 major power failures in Brazil. The interested reader may recall the fact that in 2001 under President FHC power had to be saved, because not enough energy was produced - one had been waiting for, including the necessary investments in the privatization, the new owners. Now our President the debt was looking at Vorvorgänger, most directly from their predecessors Lula, who incidentally is submerged and is not mentioned in the press. The current problem is not energy production but the distribution. By the way, Brazil has once again become world champions, great black out of the 6 - events took place in the world since 1965 3 held in Brazil. 1999 affected 97 million people, 2009, there were 60 million Brazilians, and now, 2011, 60 million. The bird has been shot by the way Indonesia in 2005 with 100 million people affected - but 97 is pretty close to it!

Last week Thursday we had no way after the hail storm a 24-hour electricity. And just because we are after many trials could finally ask, when did the energy come back, it was learned the electrical Paulo that she was missing in our street. But what is already expected in a country where my company is waiting now 5 weeks on a new phone line and was advancing Telefônica five times with the wrong number and disappeared with the promise that everything would be corrected? The Consumer Protection from us dined with the remark that one could only do something if an existing line was not working. The siting of a new connection you will not feel responsible. And in this beautiful Brazil 65% of its GDP in services. Or should I say squandered?

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Homemade Flat Iron Hair Protector

dollar question: Jrün Jelb right?

So, to be ne Easter pillowcase. For Euheuch course. n Do you want green background, or rather the yellow striped?

Where Can I Read Dragon Ball Doujinshi

It works!

My loving,
na also!

* few buckets of milk coffee un refrigerated counter full Creampie stand up for ALL *

And lest you rumtappt in the dark, I'm the chic Rotringelkatze times not cut, but you, casts a light insight into women's Grandma's Saddle tten ffenssreich.

The section for the Rotringelkatze is from a Russian colleague. Credit where credit is due, since acquiring self very well. Not that I usually get involved even more in politics may . So, the Russian colleague in turn had to trim ...??? No idea. In any case nÄ dat is not a proper design, I would say. Only the implementation, so the choice of material is from my shoulder klopp Auffe * *. Sin, the present un genuch references I come to in league Stach held Tohkschoh?

"woman, grandmother, what laberst einglich fürn drivel?" - Uiiii ... That was my inner Voice. Hm .. So please, also take coffee and cake as much as you might wish you and leans back, relax pillow behind his back * handle pot *. Ohmmmmm ...............

Friday, February 25, 2011

Mac Rom Pokemon Heart Gold

* very geleidicht rumgacker *

My loving,
when I soooo Schöööön rabbit Hanni ham only my dearest favorite gesacht what joy, a'ight. Since I can send the same image by email to blogging un non-consumption. Well I am sooo dolle geleidichtuntraurichundepri.

hold me * do nothing more un un corner hock everything to throw out window *

* kaffe Suctioning un sahnetorte feed all alone *

With all the rich trust most sincerely, your wife grandmother

PS: Because ... - Hömma, I cook every day here for 390 people, coffee and cream cake back to nÄ ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Women Get Sharked In Public

Hanni Hasenmami

(Uiiiuiiiuiiii. .. today I'm fine but very quickly get the visit * Gold flower border dishes. Vorhol *.) is pleased

me, however, that they visit me. Do not hesitate, please. May I pour you a cup of coffee? A little piece Rüblitorte? With cream? None. So how do I get the honor of your visit worth? Oh, you want me to ask if I can make an Easter collection ... With chicks and stuff. Hm .. May I stipulate a little think about it?

Pediatric Nursing Articles

woman grandmother on the prowl

My loving,
a new first (Month) is approaching, that is, by year-end is soon. And since what makes a woman grandmother? Risch table! She goes online to hunt for great new Stöffkens. The fit together nicely. And here their hunting range. Schee! Or? (All materials from Zandarino.)

With sweetest greetings
your wife grandmother

Monday, February 21, 2011

Changing Gm Remote Controler

Hasi hare

My loving,

Hasi finished, Granny ready, high alloy legs and am looking forward to what you say so, whether you like it.

With your sweetest wishes
woman grandmother

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trace Unknown Name Number Phone Calls

Eusebia Eulowska

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dog Preparation H For Dog

Törtel Tauber

My loving,
that would be so now the turtles cuddly pillows. Whether dat nu looks like Dustin Hofman? Or more like Brad Pitt? Guggtma if you find out what ... And hopefully * prayer * of heart anyway one more text than me today! Can also do not all at once, a'ight. Beasts draw closer, and his text ... I count on you!

your wife grandmother

Slogan For Iron Nutrient

Brazil / Mercosur

talk at 11.03.2011 in the Chamber of Commerce food from the pool manager Karl Heinz K. Naumann:

account at Tobias Slomke , IHK Essen, Tel . +49,201 1892244th This presentation is intended to conform to a business trip. The following week you can - even without having heard the talk - from the speakers in the Chamber of Commerce dinner in Brazil things be free advice . An appointment, you can also take on Mr. Slomke.

Correct Placement For Curtain Holdbacks

Brazil - giant prepares to grow

New Markets - Development and financing
lecture by Karl Heinz K. Naumann on 10/03/2011
for Sparkasse Duisburg:

Plantar Wart Kill With Dry Ice

Lufthansa itself for the Olympics! What really bothers

There are new direct flights Rio - Frankfurt:

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Big Do Boxers/labrador Get

Brazil business?

Here is the answer of 19 blog readers who have participated in my survey:

But this is only one side of the coin, here is lacking, the German! As you know, I am several times a year in Germany for free at IHK Essen and Stuttgart Chamber of Commerce interested in Brazil to discuss an entry. This is now more difficult because the German data protection legislation, the promotion of such advice by e-mail simply forbids if the recipient has not given explicit assurances in writing that they agree to receive such invitations by e-mail. Incidentally, what is generally regarded not only for my lectures, or answering questions.

saying that cold acquisition unwanted e-mail is spam is really more than annoying. Still incomprehensible to me, for the chamber, which points to check out my sold nothing, my service is completely free for those who it takes. By the way, the legal opinion is so that invitations are not prohibited by letter. This raises the question if there was a lobby of Briefbeförderer and postage stamps, paper and envelope manufacturers there that was working here?

My question to blog readers: How can a Chamber of Commerce or other institution that would like to use as (free!) advisors bring the message to the man, without risking a lawsuit? Of 14 - 18/3/2011 I plan to maintain a presence in food in the local Chamber of Commerce Brazil to hold office hours. How do I get now scheduled for these days

And one more question for the lawyers among the blog readers: If I am out of Brazil unsolicited invitations by e-mail to Germany chic, I violation of the Privacy Act?

Not all seem to be as sensitive as the chambers, because I keep getting this offer:

Good day,

We are in possession of new, updated database of German firms and companies.

your competition every day looking for new methods of attracting customers. Our product allows you this effectively.

We invite you to make use of our solutions for a successful advertising campaign.

We offer databases of the most active companies in the German market to show you
interest for your product and establish a solid relationship with you.

evidence of the effectiveness of our products, is the ever-growing list of satisfied customers,
who found new customers for your products quickly.

Our catalogs are divided into sectors and industries, making it easy for campaigns, business persons and companies is to be the customers for your products and services.

The database is updated every three months, in addition we offer each new customer,
the databases of companies purchased from us, the first update for FREE.

The product is delivered electronically and on CD-ROM.

more information, please visit our website:

You can also contact us personally, we are ready for you to answer all questions.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Milena Velba At The Music Store

saving in the wrong place

became "The fiasco of the construction of the coke plant. The Thyssen-Krupp has built by China's Citic, the order was given preference over the Group's Uhde. Due to large errors construction was not the coke plant . operational present, the coke plant ready for operation, only a third, some of the necessary coking coal has to buy the outfit in Brazil was not until the mid-year. to the coke plant can produce the required amounts. Uhde has also reworked the plant complex.

shows at the coking plant, the extent to have been operated as inadequate the plans for the smelter in Brazil. Since early became clear that the expansion will cost significantly more than estimated earlier, tried to charge at Thyssen-Krupp, by all means to keep costs down.

The offer came from Citic meet them so. The Chinese estimated € 100 million less to build than Uhde. must now Thyssen-Krupp put on it many times the amount saved. Not only coking coal to be bought, and falls from the coke plant as a producer of electricity and gas.

The cost of failed planning was also evident in the plant logistics. Sun Thyssen-Krupp gave up a second crane for transporting pig iron. As the only crane turned out, had to be cast iron, which led to the defendant by residents graphite emission. Now for ten million € a replacement crane is built. "

The full text, see HANDELSBLATT . My commentary is probably unnecessary.

Are Philosophies Capitalized

Who after the post of Amapá has the impression that PAC was an air number, unless it proved wrong!

82% of completed actions required 444 billion, R $, which for logistics projects were R $ 65.4 billion spent on energy projects and R $ 148.5 billion for social and urban development projects 230.1 billion R $:

Here's to the card issued by the Government:

social projects and urbanization

Logistics: highways

Logistics: railways, ports, waterways, airports, merchant marine


petroleum, natural gas, fuels made from renewable resources

energy transfer

Rental Properties For Senior Week Ocean City Nj

Paul penguin

Round Cuddle Pillow, about 40 cm.

later 7 Comments: If you had me once more said that the Danny De Vito is, I had the still the Löckeles ummet Jenick jemacht. Maybe next? Hm .. * Let me think *

Utility Trailer Blueprints Free

The summer is running out!

On Saturday at midnight in Brazil begins to normal life, ie the clocks back by one hour, we still summer, but not summer time anymore. And the time difference with Germany then 4 hours will be, please take into account when making calls! And on 3/27/2011 daylight saving begins in Germany, then it is again the comfort zone of 5 hours, divide us. EURO INTERNATIONAL

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Brownie Patch Placement On The Vest

It is booming construction sector and the money lenders also have something like this

The Federal savings bank Caixa Econômica Federal has 2010 a net profit of Generated R $ 3.8 billion, 25.5% more than last year. The housing loans reached a value of R $ 77.8 billion, representing 57.2%, even more than in 2009.
In the city of São Paulo in the next 2 years, about 520 residential towers to be built, 250 of them still in 2011. 60% of high-rise buildings will have up to 120 apartments with one or two bedrooms and emerge in the east and west of the city. The median sales price is 350,000 R $, which are about € 156k. EURO INTERNATIONAL

Jackson, Ms Apartments Short Term Lease

campaign and reality

The famous PAC is well used but not how it looked in the election campaign, at least in the spots PT. This fact is an entirely other states transmitted message to the execution of the program: had the State of Amapá 130 million R $ for basic rehabilitation available, which have been in four years, only 10% of output, as are problems with environmental licenses, corruption and lack of interest in the alerts did not correct what led to three years of deadlock. The population has even bigger problems than the politicians, because only 2.5% have such access to the sewage network. Something is rotten in the state of Amapá, one can say that is absolutely right. So you know Amapá is where I add a map to:

Where To Find Scott Kay Artiste

minimum wage and popularity

The minimum wage was increased from two presidents. The terms are the same, the time series began with the first increase.

The consent of the population depends on the person of the President quite clearly on the minimum wage, which is plotted below in R $ per month