Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ford Pinto Wagon For Sale


Bingo is a lottery game that is particularly in the United Kingdom, the Philippines and the United States very popular. Bingo is a descendant of the parlor game lottery.

The Name Bingo Game was introduced in 1929 by the American Edwin Lowe. He had on a fairground in Georgia observed a group of English players, who covered the numbers drawn with dried beans and profit "Beano" cried. When Edwin Lowe held its first Beano rounds in New York, said in the heat of a winner Battle "Bingo". Lowe took that name better, and so it stayed. For one dollar per year were allowed others use the game itself, but under the condition that it must call Bingo.


Participants buy tickets or participation coupons that are printed with a number of numbers. An emcee pulls like the lottery balls at random from a drum with printed numbers. He calls from these numbers, after which the participants they mark their cards with a color stamp or a rock - if they have proclaimed their participation numbers on the coupon. Once the first person to mark all the numbers was his lot, he calls loudly Bingo!. In other games are also various figures, such as complete rows or columns on the coupon, a gain. After checking his lottery ticket, he is the winner, receives a kind or in cash prize, and the round is completed.
Unlike other lotteries, bingo is connected to a community effect, as the players sit in a room. Religious communities often use this kind of game to employ the members of the parish as well as to finance also from the proceeds of the bingo lottery charitable projects.


Also on TV is bingo Basis for successful programs. In Scandinavia there since the 90's Bingo Lotto. In Germany and Austria and went through various bingo programs, see Bingo (TV show). When sausages are
Lotte Lotte eggs or in part of the Bergische Land raffled for kale Mettwürstchen season and during the period preceding Easter eggs by the bingo rules.


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