Why credit cards are useful?
Discover a little more about it, which is why many people leave a credit card issue and what advantages this entails.
to a checking account to get in Germany, usually a EC-/Maestro card to do so. Many are now wondering why they could then still need a credit card. It is of course true that one can take off with a EC-/Maestro card at ATM cash and cashless payments in shops and petrol stations. Exactly the same can with a credit card Globally accepted at millions of locations. But one case has an incredible advantage: EC-/Maestro cards are commonly known as debit cards. With these cards, the payment amount is debited to the account. The use of credit cards it is, that while the amount on the same day the credit card account will be charged, but is not immediately debited from the checking account. For the credit card account to get once a month (cycle is now so common) a settlement, which is then drawn either fully or in COMPONENTS from checking account. Of course, just because you need money in the account to pay this settlement, so you can not even survive its own circumstances. But the advantage is a certain Zahlungsflexibilitaet, because the salary you get only once a month. Even in the event of a free Visa credit card allows you to get by the individual to be agreed credit limit his freedom in daily payments.
it hovers with his checking account always a balance of plus or minus zero, we arrive quickly in the area of the line of credit, which many banks abfordert whopping interest charges. Right there is the advantage lies with credit cards, which generate up to the settlement does not usually borrowing rates, insofar as the accounts are paid more complete. If a negative balance on the credit card accounts are covered, but of course also interest charges.
The representation is valid only for conventional credit cards, not for credit without Schufa Such cards no credit is given, so we also can not fault it. The lack of generous credit limit is admitted on the one hand, adversely, on the other hand, it also offers bonitaetsschwachen people the chance to get a credit card.
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